A.s. 2020/21 e Covid-19. Materiali per la ripartenza, traduzioni checklist per le famiglie

Pre-conditions as identified by the Technical Scientific Committee (TSC) to be observed for school entry: 

Pre-conditions for students to attend school (…) are the following: - not having respiratory symptoms or no fever above 37.5° C even in the past three days; - not having been in mandatory quarantine or self-isolation at home in the last 14 days; - not having had contact with any people positive with Covid to the best of your knowledge in the past 14 days. Families are required to check the body temperature of their children on a daily basis before going to school. Body temperature screening is NOT required at the school entrance. Anyone experiencing respiratory symptoms or temperatures above 37.5° C must stay at home.

Si riportano in allegato le indicazioni dell'Ufficio Scolastico Regionale, tradotte nelle lingue: Inglese, Spagnolo, Francese e le indicazioni fornite dal CDLei_Centro Riesco_Comune di Bologna tradotte nelle lingue: Arabo, Bengalese, Cinese, Rumeno, Russo, Tagalog, Urdu. 



